if i ever see these fags i would get a box cutter and do a master piece on there faces then they have somthing to realy be upset about...i hope they die....yea these fucks arnt even metal there gaycore....fuck yous...
actually i'm a nine year old aussie loser procreated by my farmer dad with one of his sheep...i pretend to be dangerous while in fact i munch my dad's foreskin every night and sing karaoke to Dani Minogue's songs...
From an image perspective, there is no music genre like metal, resembling an unbelievable variety of ridiculous fauna, nonsense, useless evilness, wasted face paint, low-cost leather and hopeless wankers. We collect the most representative dead/dying bands, new bands and ridiculous metal fans.
Support us with comments, hints, pictures, links and hate: we appreciate it.
1. We denigrate the attitude, not the music, even if a huge part of metal music is pure shit.
2. Remember that publishing your picture on a public website means that your face may travel across the world and be seen by thousands of persons. If you do not want to become famous or to see your face on hundreds of websites, you should upload no pictures at all. We decline any responsibility for the photos we publish, since they are all taken by public websites. However, if you cannot accept the fact that your face is on our blog, write us and we will remove your photo. But please, avoid annoying us with childish legal intimidations..you are adult people, so stop crying and have fun!.
I hate these guys so much. Whoever that are.
So much. :(
At least they're not niggers
He doesn't know what really is BURZUM!!!
I did NOT really want to know what complete wankers walk around in the same shirt as me... -.-
maybe ur the wanker^
im the wanker but i dont now what that means ..
They're called "From First to Last", and you can guess how shitty they are :)
Posers! "3Mo pOSerS"
there r more black metal posers out there
peronally i hate Burzum yet i'd still like to kill all these guys from first to last.
if i ever see these fags i would get a box cutter and do a master piece on there faces then they have somthing to realy be upset about...i hope they die....yea these fucks arnt even metal there gaycore....fuck yous...
actually i'm a nine year old aussie loser procreated by my farmer dad with one of his sheep...i pretend to be dangerous while in fact i munch my dad's foreskin every night and sing karaoke to Dani Minogue's songs...
Black metal died when it became cool. In fact it was dead from the very beginning.
How could it not be dead with followers like this illiterate poser fuck from Australia (see: three posts above)?
y'all suck...ToTo is where its at!!!
wow these guys looked like fags, now they just look scene
Emo kids like Burzum, or did you "true black metal" types just figure this out?
Why don't you listen to classical music?
Burzum sucks , but yeah , fuck these fags
That's Goat Vomit and friends :D
oh gimme a break, the guy on the right and the one on the left are hawt :))
I'd torture them all with so fucking much pleasure -.-'
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