Friday, July 3, 2009

Carcass & Emos. Spot the analogies.


Anonymous said...

i thought we only had these posergeeks in our have one too?haha

pure fuckers.

Anonymous said...

thats me in the picture! cheers, you cunts!

Anonymous said...

Oh No, call the Metal Police.
He doesn't have long messy hair and takes pride in his appearance.

Who cares what people look like really?

Malex said...

Gazzor is the SEX!!!

Anonymous said...

Since when did you have to look 'metal' to appriciate 'metal' in any way, shape or form? Someone most of looked into this way to much, besides sometimes metalheads are more 'image concious' than an emo, unfort it had to be said. grunt.

Anonymous said...

How the shit could you take pride in that hideous bun of a hairstyle.

andrew said...

rofl unluckeh. x

apostle in triumph said...

lmao gwan gary , yer famous D:

Anonymous said...

I would fucking WRECK that

Anonymous said...

"I'd use his shite as toothpaste".

crushingXcranialXcontents said...

fucking cunts, who the fuck are you to judge???
gary is an ace guy, and by the looks of this pretentious piece of shit site, a fuck load more metal than any of you judgemental dickheads.

Anonymous said...

Gary actually looks better than a lot of metalheads who have long hair they can't keep nice. Some long hair ruins guys.

But oh shit, he can't like metal because he has short hair, or any kind of hair style.

Its people like whoever started this whole thing who need to get off their high horse and realise that metal is about music. Who care about hair, seriously, he's wearing the shirt, he obviously likes them. I think if he was one of these people who wear band shirts for popularity, he'd actually have emo hair and actually LOOK emo.

Anonymous said...

Fuck you guys, I have a mohican and am usually seen wearing a Johnny Cash hoodie - it doesn't mean I don't like metal!
I'm reading your disclaimer as I type this, if you don't like metal anymore then maybe leave it and its fans alone? As for the comment about pictures, maybe you should start giving a fuck, using copyrighted images without consent can leave you with a very sore arse.

Moonburp/Alex said...

Gary, I love you and everything about you. Don't cry love.

The Metalsucks Crew said...

Dear guys, the story is this:

we do not give a fuck if one likes carcass and looks like a teenage emo..we simply want to underline the fact that the dark cold evil aura that once chracterized metal, and expecially death and black metal, has completely disappeard. For instance, we believe that in a simple and minimal genre like black metal, the emotional factor plays a heavy role, and looking to the Two Wrestlers (aka Immortal), we can only laugh and recall the old glorious times.

Now the whole thing looks like a bizarre barnum circus, and everyone who is not into metal can only LOL looking at all the guys we depict in our website.

And by the way..the more you hate us, the more we love you. So thank you again, and keep leaving hateful comments.



Anonymous said...


Oh, bugger.

Anonymous said...

"dark cold evil aura that once chracterized metal?"

I must have missed that one.

Call me old Fashioned if you will, but what happened to metal being about the music?

Anonymous said...

I wish I was a Kewel as The Metalsucks Crew.

Can I be your Friend?

Anonymous said...

I think gazza h is H*O*T and he is soon to be my bride, WHO???!!! x x

Anonymous said...

I'd pump Gaz's guts full of slurry!

Anonymous said...

Don't fuck with Gary's Anal Lovers Crew
Don't worry, Ga(r)y, you're still our bitch

Anonymous said...

too many gay comments you narcisist bastards

Anonymous said...

Gary takes it up the ass from his whole lame posse it seems like

Anonymous said...

Tru dat.

Anonymous said...

br00tal deathcore guy

Anonymous said...

"the dark cold evil aura that once chracterized metal, and expecially death and black metal, has completely disappeard"

So then lets pick on any person which looks silly to us because they "killed" our favorite genre and ridicule everyone pointlessly. Oh yes, that'll bring back "the aura". And who named you the "messiahs" of the genre anyway?

You're only offering free hatred. And that is what truly ruins the world today. Not the make up or clothes some wear, but the fact that others aren't able to accept it as it is. You're not very good at evolving and adapting, are you now? You're stuck in that era when metal "had" and aura and just can't let go of with. Well it's not others fault that you're growing old and can't let go of has been once...

The Metalsucks Crew said...

We offer free laughs, not hatred.

We don't give a fuck about the losers in the pictures. They are funny, so we laugh, and a lot of people with us. Get back to your serious job and please, do not laugh, it may be dangerous, woooo!

And the question is closed.



Anonymous said...

nice jeans.

romanchrist said...

thanx 4 tha silly-ness, ok.

Anonymous said...

this lad is yelling "come one penetrate my fucking emo ass"

you fucking cunt sucker emo noobs

and after all: carcass


kill yourself with a shotgun

Anonymous said...

"Get back to your serious job and please, do not laugh, it may be dangerous, woooo!"

Oh, trust me, I know how to laugh and, unlike you, I know when and what at to laugh. And you are wrong, you are not offering free laughter, you are arctually offering free hatred. Tell me, where do you think discrimination comes from? And the fights between members of different genres? They come exactly from this "laughter" of yours, from the incapacity of some to accept the way other are.

Looks are not to be laughed at. Those are subjective matters. If you want true entertainment, watch Monthy Python or something. Or read a good book. They're far better than acting like an irritated teenager who has to pick on everyone in order to feel fulfilled.

Anonymous said...

what a fucking trendy shit