From an image perspective, there is no music genre like metal, resembling an unbelievable variety of ridiculous fauna, nonsense, useless evilness, wasted face paint, low-cost leather and hopeless wankers. We collect the most representative dead/dying bands, new bands and ridiculous metal fans.
Support us with comments, hints, pictures, links and hate: we appreciate it.
1. We denigrate the attitude, not the music, even if a huge part of metal music is pure shit.
2. Remember that publishing your picture on a public website means that your face may travel across the world and be seen by thousands of persons. If you do not want to become famous or to see your face on hundreds of websites, you should upload no pictures at all. We decline any responsibility for the photos we publish, since they are all taken by public websites. However, if you cannot accept the fact that your face is on our blog, write us and we will remove your photo. But please, avoid annoying us with childish legal are adult people, so stop crying and have fun!.
Is that pyjamas he's wearing? Wow, wicked cool!
I think that's Phil Anselmo from Pantera and Pantera's fucking metal, so shut the fuck up!
Yes, the WRONG t-shirt on the RIGHT guy!
The other way round
Awesome T-shirt on some faggot bitch
He's to blame if metal sucks.
Phil Anselmo's a braindead, racist faggot. Dimebag was fucking cool but Anselmo was always a piece of shit.
Third comment: you're fuckin' faggot if you find this gay right
Nice boxers, hottie :D
Why would you think he's a "right guy"? What are you then?
Its just great!
(no seriously)
I would expect him to wear Five Finger Dipshit merchandicing
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